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IT Services Provider

Assured Digital Technologies are an IT Services provider based in Bristol, UK. We provided development services to a number of clients, but most of my work was centered on the clients described below.

A major UK Education Charity (2020-2023)

Leading a small team developing a suite of web applications and services for a national mathematics education charity. Design and implementation of several new line-of-business ASP.NET Core web applications and Web APIs used in subscription processing, invoicing, reporting and content management by employees and associates. Client-side reactivity provided by Vue.Js and SignalR with a Redis backplane.

Integrating with other internal & third-party services. Modernized and upgraded pre-existing .NET Framework applications to enable consistent hosting and continuous delivery approach via GitHub to Linux containers on Azure App Services for all applications. Replacing legacy authentication methods with Azure AD and OAuth 2.0. Administering Kubernetes clusters running some web services.

A large National Sports Organization (2020-2023)

Implementing an interactive training platform for the organisation’s members and coaches. This takes the form of an ASP.NET Core back-end with a Vue.Js-driven SPA front-end and visualizations rendered via D3.js. The application and related services are continuously deployed to self-hosted Kubernetes clusters using a GitOps methodology, via GitHub Actions and Flux, forming part of a strategic shift away from traditional IIS-based hosting. Also supporting development of several other large existing .NET web applications for this client.